Tuesday, October 6, 2009

" The Clothes make the man"

Are you shaped by what you wear?
I don't think that I am shaped by what I wear. Most people in the world just look at a person and see what they are wearing that day. Some people may say "Ew she is wearing the same thing she did yesterday." It's almost like, 'cool' people go shopping every week, or day to get the latest trends from stores like AĆ©ropostale and Abercrombie and Fitch. So the next day that they get they can go off to school and show all their friends and say "Look it what I got yesterday!" Their friends say "Oh I love it!"

Where as not so 'cool' people go to school or outside wearing the same old boring clothes that they have been wearing to school for the past couple of months. Some people can't afford to purchase clothes every day or week, because their family don't have the money. They may not be able to afford the hundred dollar clothes that some people get. Some of those people have to get hand me downs from friends, family or relatives.

I am going to connect "the clothes make the man" with Gossip Girl a TV show because if you don't own brand name clothes then automatically you are not popular and will looked down upon.

People can express themselves through what they wear. People are different because you may like to wear comfortable clothes, sporty clothes, casual clothes, fancy clothes.

Don't judge a person by what they wear, you have to get to know them before you truly know who they are.


  1. Jamie, I TOTALLY get what you're saying! Mine is almost identical to yours. I get what you mean about how "cool" people go to the mall a lot more than "uncool" people. But "uncool" people sometimes go to the mall as often as "cool" people do. They just don't buy the same clothes that "cool" people would buy. Also, "cool" people don't always go shopping. They wear the same clothes for a couple months. They just go to the mall to hang out.
    Okay, I'm changing the subject now. I like people for who they are, not what they wear. For example, I like you for who you are, and you don't really have the same style as me, but I couldn't care less. Me and my best friends from skating have totally different styles and we're still very good friends. Good blog!!!

