Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dear Future Me

If you are reading this post, you must have remembered that we had to write a blog when I was 12 - 13. It must be kind of weird to think that you wrote this to yourself. I know that I feel weird writing to my future self. There are just two things that I wanted to remind you of.

1. Some of the big things that happened in the 2000 - 2010 decade when I was younger.

2000 - Start of a new millennium which is a new thousand years
2001 - 9/11 was when two hijacked airlines crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, it was called 9/11 because it happened september 11th.
2002- April 9th, the funeral for Queen Elizabeth's Mother took place at Westminister Abbey in London England
2003- Massive Blackout in US, Canada and Britain causing 60 fires in New York City
2004- Dozens and dozens of tornadoes whipped through Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Newbraska and Oklahoma, about 20,000 homes without power
2005- Hurricane Katrina hits Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, leaving Katrina 80% flooded and without electricity.
2006- Italy beat France in the World Cup soccer game
2007- 32 people killed in Virginia Tech Massacre
2008- Barack Obama was elected to be the first black president of the United States
2009- Micheal Jackson died
2010-Nothing Major Happened Yet, because we are still in 2010

2. School, well it is probably one of the most important things that you go to when you were this decade. I am asking you, do you still keep in any touch with some of your friends that you met when you were younger? Have you seen any?

I hope that you (the future me) have had a good life so far and that you are healthy and happy. I wonder if you will be reading this on a computer, but probably whatever you are reading this on, hasn't been invented yet!

Life Lesson: Live, Laugh and Smile. Keep yourself healthy.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

S is for Summer

Sitting at school, last class on the last day of the school year. Tick tock. tick tock, finally the clock gets to 3:15. Finally, I jump out of my seat and say " SUMMER HERE I COME!" One of the sad things about when school is done is that you don't get to see your friends for 3 months unless you plan something with them.

As you may know already my blog is going to be about summer. Summer has to be one of my favourite seasons out of winter, spring and fall. This is probably my favourite because of the warm weather, hanging out with friends all summer, going to camp, the beach and sooo much more. Best of all summer, is having three whole months without going to school every day.

Two things that I basically do every single summer is go to the camp that I talked to you about a couple of posts ago. I'll go there until I'm 16 years old. And of course I go to my friend Hayley's Cottage for a weekend. It is about a 3 hour drive from my house.

At my camp I see my friends that I have not seen since last summer. I love going to summer camp for three weeks, but one thing I don't like is going home after three weeks because mostly all my best camp friends live in Toronto, or Oakville.

At Hayley's cottage, we do things like tubing, canoeing, swimming, camp fires and a lot more. I remember one time we had this other family over to have a campfire together. We were playing this one game named "I am going on a picnic". It is a never-can-tell game. You basically play this game until everyone figures out what is the secret of the game.

How you play: Say one of the players names is Calli and she wants to bring cake. Calli is allowed to come because her first letter of her name is c and the item that she wants to bring starts with the letter c. Say another person's name is Brandon and he wants to bring pop. He is not allowed to come because his first letter of his name is b and the item letter is p. Basically, the item that you bring must start with the same letter as the first letter in your name.

We were playing that game with three families. The third family has a cottage down the road from Hayley. So Hayley's friend's dad was thinking of what he should bring on the picnic and wanted to bring a "Tent". The leader of the game (who knew the secret of the game) wouldn't allow him to come because the first letter of his name was K. So next it was my mom and she said she wanted to bring a "Tent". She was allowed to come, because the first letter in her name is T. The player "K" asked, "Why could I not bring a tent?" But we didn't tell him. Everyone in the circle got the hang of the game after a couple of turns. So after a while we stopped playing and told him why he couldn't bring a tent, but that he could bring ketchup.

After three months of summer, it is almost time to go back to school. Which, if you are a kid, you really don't want to go back to school because you are doing school work every day. Well, it is o.k. if you go back to English Class to write blogs again. Nothing is wrong with blogging, right?

One last final thing I would like to say... have fun while it lasts and use your three months well because sooner or later you will be back at school waiting for the next summer to come.

Life Lesson: Summer is only three months, so enjoy summer while it lasts.