One of my favorite times of year, is the summer because I get to go to Camp Tawingo for three whole weeks! Why do I love it? Because I get to have fun, I don't have to go to school, and I get to see my friends that I haven't seen since last summer.
Tawingo is a co-ed camp from the ages 7 to 16. Tawingo has campers who come from all around the world including China and other countries. I will tell you about the waterfront, the camp craft program, nature program, sports program, special programs, and the cabins.
The Waterfront:
Tawingo has a great waterfront that shares the same lake as another camp. If you want to canoe they have 75 canoes if you want to canoe during free time. You can also kayak, sail or row. Tawingo has five in-lake swimming pools that you can swim in and one of the swimming pools has two diving boards and a slide.
The Camp Craft Program:
Crestwood is a place where you can learn about different types of knots, fire building, map and compass work, and outdoor cooking. There are opportunities where you and your cabin can go on a trip away from camp for a couple of days but you stay on the lake.
The Nature Program:
SWAMP Lodge is the name of Tawingo's nature program. At SWAMP the campers learn about nature through hikes, games and observations. The letters of SWAMP represent different nature themes, Stars, Weather, Animals, Minerals, and Plants. SWAMP also has a nature museum where campers can bring animals they find to be taken care of.
Sports Program:
If you like playing sports at camp well the sports field is right for you. The sports you can play are mini - putt, archery, badminton, ball hockey, baseball, basketball, football, frisbee, tennis, volleyball and much more. You can also join tournaments during the time you are at camp.
Special Programs:
There is always some sort of special program going on. Tawingo has programs planned just for the boy’s camp, and programs just for the girl’s camp! There are three sessions and each of those sessions has one fun-filled day for all of camp.
At the beginning of each session at camp you have the chance to sign up for a musical that is presented in front of all of camp. One of the musicals in the past was The Lion King.
During each session there is a native council. This is where you get to see a native dance by someone who works at the camp and some stuff by the campers.
Each session ends with a banquet, sing song, a slideshow highlighting all the camp memories of the session. Some people cry during this time because it is the last night together with your cabin.
The first day you come to camp you will be sent to your cabin to meet your 6 0r 7 cabin mates that are your age. The same counselor stays with you the whole time you are at camp.
In each cabin there is a bathroom with a toilet and a shower with cold and hot running water. The cabins are bright and beautiful.
That was a run through of what my camp is like, I hope you are interested in coming.
If you would like to find out more information click here
Life Lesson: Try new stuff, you might like it!
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